by | Jun 26, 2023 | Brand Strategy, Pro Bono Projects
OpenGeneva Project supported by Swiss House of Brands Open Geneva organises and coordinates the Greater Geneva Open Innovation Festival since 2017. This high point for innovation is for all those who want to make a commitment to the future. Dozens of free hackathons,...
by | Jun 26, 2023 | Brand Strategy, Branding & Digital, Pro Bono Projects
Association Olfacanis Project supported by Swiss House of Brands The aim is to detect cancer at an early stage, non-invasively and inexpensively. Dogs, with no contact with the patient, are the biological means of achieving this. Mission Helping the association to...
by | Jun 24, 2023 | Brand Strategy, Branding & Digital, Case studies, Startup
Case study HiQuarter Brand creation from scratch The new standard for optimum physical and mental condition Voir le siteL HiQUARTER is a brand that combines medical and sports care around a personal holistic protocol that helps define objectives and achieve concrete...
by | Jun 23, 2023 | Brand Strategy, Case studies, SME, Sustainability
Case study AvescoRent Brand strategy & sustainability Is a Swiss construction equipment rental company with some 30 branches throughout Switzerland. . Two missions 1 – Our first mission was to simplify communication to make it less complex, while...
by | Jun 22, 2023 | Brand Strategy, Branding & Digital, Case studies, Foundation
Case study Masdara Foundation Brand building Voir le siteL The Masdara Foundation offers an exclusive circle of excellence in the vision of a new world aligned with the laws of universal energy and quantum consciousness. Mission Help the foundation and its president...
by | Jun 8, 2023 | Articles, Brand Strategy
The 5 advantages of agency naming With over 10,000 brand names registered worldwide every day, developing a brand name requires a methodology that goes beyond providing a list of names or brainstorming. The main advantage of working with a professional agency is that...